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Google Apps SSO

Google Apps SSO Integration


Expensify offers a Single Sign-on (SSO) integration with Google Apps for one-click Workspace invites.

To set this up for users, you must:

  • Be an admin for a Group Workspace using a Collect or Control Workspace.
  • Have Administrator access to the Google Apps Admin console.

Google Apps SSO differs from using Google as your Identity Provider for SAML SSO, which limits domain access. To complete the Google SAML setup, follow the Google guide to Set up SSO via SAML for Expensify. You can enable both at the same time.

How to Enable the Expensify App on Google Apps

To enable Expensify for your Google Apps domain and add an “Expenses” link to your universal navigation bar, please run through the following:

  1. Sign in to your Google Apps Admin console as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the Expensify App Listing on Google Apps.
  3. Click Admin Install to start installing the app.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Ensure the correct domain is selected if you have access to multiple.
  6. Click Finish. You can configure access for specific Organizational Units later if needed.
  7. All account holders on your domain can now access Expensify from the Google Apps directory by clicking More and choosing Expensify.
  8. Now, follow the steps below to sync your users with Expensify automatically.

How to Sync Users from Google Apps to Expensify

To sync your Google Apps users to your Expensify Workspace, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the above steps to install Expensify in your Google Apps directory.
  2. Log in to Expensify.
  3. Click Settings>Workspaces>Group.
  4. Select the Workspace you wish to invite users to.
  5. Select People from the admin menu.
  6. Click Sync G Suite Now to identify anyone on your domain not yet on the Workspace and add them to it.

The connection does not automatically refresh, you will need to click Sync G Suite Now whenever you’re ready to add new users.

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